[FRIAM] AI art

Pieter Steenekamp pieters at randcontrols.co.za
Sat Jun 22 23:32:01 EDT 2024

AI will never fully replace humans in the realm of pure art. While AI has
made impressive strides in generating art, humans inherently gravitate
towards creations by fellow humans. This preference stems from our
deep-seated connection to human experiences and emotions.

Consider the analogy of chess: AI can easily outplay the human world chess
champion, yet we remain uninterested in AI-exclusive tournaments. The
reason is simple—our fascination lies with human competitors and their
stories, not with machines. This extends beyond chess to all forms of art.
Whether it’s music, literature, or visual arts, the knowledge that a human
mind and soul crafted the piece adds a unique layer of significance.

It's not that humans are disinterested in non-human phenomena such as AI,
the stars, or mathematics. There is a wide spectrum of interests among
individuals, with some drawn more to human-centered pursuits and others to
abstract or scientific endeavours. However, as a collective, human-related
creations consistently hold a special place in our hearts.

When a human plays chess, the essence of the game is enriched by knowing
the opponent is also human. Similarly, when we listen to music, read a
novel, or admire a painting, the awareness that it was created by another
human being adds depth to our appreciation. This connection to the human
aspect of art is, in my opinion, irreplaceable by AI.

I can't prove this definitively; it is simply my perspective.
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