[FRIAM] FW: Fractal discussion Landscape-bird songs

glen ☣ gepropella at gmail.com
Thu Feb 16 13:13:25 EST 2017

This idea reminded me of the recent article:

Seeing shapes in seemingly random spatial patterns: Fractal analysis of Rorschach inkblots

On 02/16/2017 09:53 AM, Prof David West wrote:
> A different way to approach the question might be to ask if "fractality" is somehow a substrate upon which living things rely in order to be recognized as "alive." Two things lead me to ask the question in this manner. First, fractal geometry is used to generate digital landscapes and digital life forms, e.g. trees, with results that are far more "lifelike" than attempts based on other graphical systems — Ed Angel should enlighten us here because it is his area of expertise, not mine.

☣ glen

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