[FRIAM] Fwd: Q&A: Transcript: Interview with Donald Trump | The Economist

┣glen┫ gepropella at gmail.com
Fri May 12 11:05:44 EDT 2017

You're absolutely right, Gillian.  But because i'm contrarian, I'll argue with you anyway. 8^)

Trump's words and actions are interesting because there are a lot of us who live with narcissists.  And although the subject has gotten a lot of attention in pop-sci lately, few of us understand what it means, much less how to deal with it.  So, from both an academic _and_ practical perspective, Trump's symptoms are interesting.

I believe this mostly because of the bifurcation in the people I know with cancer.  About 1/2 don't want anyone to know and don't want to talk about it socially.  The other 1/2 is willing to talk about it, but usually in muted language because everyone reacts so dramatically.  I believe those of us with cancer have a duty to talk about it.  I think I'd feel the same way if I were diagnosed with schizophrenia or any other stigmatized condition.  Victims of narcissism really should speak out about it.  And if there is such a thing as an "enlightened narcissist" (analogous to "enlightened self-interest"), those people should speak out about their own lack of empathy and self-centerdness.

On 05/12/2017 07:53 AM, Gillian Densmore wrote:
> Plane and simple dad, he's what gamers call a troll. They (generally) don't
> last long in any decent sensable community. They say stuff to get
> attention.
> The maxim is:
> Never feed the trolls.
> They thrive on what ever attention and all manner of aholery and chaos they
> try to make. Feeding them plays their game. That never works. Very little
> of what they say or plan is a good idea, and only serves to burn the world
> more.
> Do you reely want someone that's a unstable eratic troll making choices
> about...anything, he can not be trusted.
> Do you reely expect to believe a man that a neurotic lyer that says, and
> talks in tweets?
> LOL if we must relieve the 80s lets skip the Ragonomic BS
> And skip to the dotcom era that was at least hopeful---not nescosarilly
> sustainable,  But a bit better than the looming sense of strange weird
> stuff and parnoia between two nations. Ready to moveback to CA?
> On Thu, May 11, 2017 at 9:02 PM, Owen Densmore <owen at backspaces.net> wrote:
>> Kinda interesting, The Economist interview with Trump on the economy:
>> ​    ​
>> http://www.economist.com/Trumptranscript


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