[FRIAM] Chaos Scientist Finds Hidden Financial Risks That Regulators Miss Oxford Professor Doyne Farmer is working with central banks to improve stress testing.

uǝlƃ ☣ gepropella at gmail.com
Wed Nov 13 13:44:43 EST 2019

"Existential Psychotherapy"! I suspect that's 500 pages I won't read. But what a cool title.

On 11/13/19 7:44 AM, Barry MacKichan wrote:
> Thanks for the link.
> This is totally off-topic, but in the chaos of Facebook and Twitter, I believe a small note of appreciation for technology is in order.
> In the linked article, there is a picture of Farmer lying on a couch in front of his bookshelf. The resolution of web graphics is now high enough that I could indulge in one of my favorite hobbies. I copied the picture, pasted it into a graphics program and enlarged and rotated it. Aaah. Now I can browse through the titles on his shelves.

☣ uǝlƃ

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