[FRIAM] Unmediated perception - sheldrake

Marcus Daniels marcus at snoutfarm.com
Tue Sep 17 18:10:19 EDT 2019

Glen writes:

< But, of course, the benefit of finding hard-to-detect corners to cut, accompanied (or not) by complicated, convincing rhetoric, is *scaffolding* ... aka the convexity of the search space. >

A potential objection is that an orator may be to blame for promulgating simple maps for convoluted regions.   If that draws others into the region and better maps are developed then it is all for the best.   It might just as well do the opposite.    Easier to read the editorials instead of the reporting and easier to read the reporting than do the investigation.  

Further is it really scaffolding, or just a way that many otherwise independent agents get collapsed into a few degrees of freedom and then never really use or want a scaffolding?


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