[FRIAM] God in Science and Religion (was Re: why some people hate cops)

uǝlƃ ↙↙↙ gepropella at gmail.com
Fri Sep 25 08:16:40 EDT 2020

So, when you were considering the risk of political violence and thinking about "flagging" the post, whatever that means, you were only trying to change the subject to something you'd prefer to talk about?

On 9/24/20 11:15 AM, Stephen Guerin wrote:
> As a list admin, this might be flaggable.  I'm not sure if expressing hatred of a protected class of people in of itself is hate speech- it seems to be at least up to the line. Ie, replace with "The two groups I hate more than cops are gays and black people" - would I have a responsibility to intercede?
> As I consider the impotence of this group to take political action and incite political violence I consider the statement low to zero risk. I will take no action as a list admin. Intellectually, I would like to know where the line of hate speech is.

On 9/24/20 11:32 PM, Stephen Guerin wrote:
> Yes, I recognize Marcus's "I hate religious people"  for what it was.

↙↙↙ uǝlƃ

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