[FRIAM] God in Science and Religion (was Re: why some people hate cops)

jon zingale jonzingale at gmail.com
Fri Sep 25 19:11:09 EDT 2020

Thank you for your thoughts. The organizations mentioned in my earlier thread
were mostly thought up off-the-cuff because each evoked something for me at
the moment, humorous or otherwise. I feel disappointed that the pentagon
would use the 1 Billion dollars, earmarked for COVID relief, as they did. It
doesn't give me much faith that the "subtle and strategic" actors making
decisions for the pentagon are competent or compassionate. If I wished to
make predictions that are grounded in the facts of past actions, to justify
my faith in that institution, where would I look? To be clear, I do not
intend *dandy* as an insult. Rather, I wanted a label to juxtapose against
the at-times awkward and vulgar struggles of a thinking person doing the

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