[FRIAM] Conditional Association and the "natural order"

Steve Smith sasmyth at swcp.com
Wed Feb 10 12:05:10 EST 2021

I have someone  in my life who worked/lived in Chile during Pinochet's
rule, and in fact the company (big copper) he worked for was in fact
exploiting in the most American style....  eventually the largest, most
voracious/egregious of mining companies bought his company up and it
only took about 5 years of working for them for him to become an extreme
apologist for THEM.   His eldest daughter who was still pre-teen when
they left Chile is a huge Pinochet apologist.    It is really disturbing
to me.   But her childhood friends were all children of the ruling class
and affiliates (International ex-pats) else they would not even be in
the country (or alive)...  so it is obvious... but still sad/disturbing.

As a long-time employee of LANL and erstwhile believer in Mutual Assured
Destruction (MAD) as a (the only?) viable concept of peace in the modern
(post-hiroshima/nagasaki), I have been an apologist for some pretty
disturbing things myself.   That (somewhat) recognized mistake of my own
leads me to be a bit more Luddite than many here who I would (gently)
suggest are apologists for (runaway) technological (and economic)

I find it fascinating what we humans are capable of transforming from
"unthinkable" to "necessary" which presages designation as "a very good

On 2/10/21 9:01 AM, uǝlƃ ↙↙↙ wrote:
> Since Nick is always looking for libertarian bogeymen, I thought I'd raise this specter:
> https://rationalwiki.org/wiki/Hans-Hermann_Hoppe
> I ran across him in this article on the Hoppean Snake as a right-wing meme:
> https://theintercept.com/2021/02/04/pinochet-far-right-hoppean-snake/
> This paragraph from the RationalWiki pinged my memory of the discussion about renaming MOTH:
> "Hoppe fancies himself as a champion of the right of free association. Or what might more commonly be called rank discrimination and bigotry. He proposes "covenant communities," a sort of neighborhood watch on steroids."
> It had never crossed my mind that any thinking/feeling human would be stupid enough to take conditional association to its logical conclusion in this way. Or that anyone would fail to see that slow-rate conditional association (e.g. bad marriage tortu[r]ous divorce - cf http://friam.471366.n2.nabble.com/What-s-in-a-name-MOTH-to-a-Flame-tp7599300.html) is a necessary consequence of conditional association *because* real life is replete with a diversity of rates, some slow, some fast, and a diversity of Markov orders, some shallow, some deep.
> Triple-H may be my new, favorite example of why anarcho-capitalism is so fscked up and often tragically confused with anracho-syndicalism or anarchism, proper. I absolutely love that nickname "Triple-H". Too bad it signs for such a horrifying person. Now I need to find alternative objects, you know, for parallax.

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