[FRIAM] Conditional Association and the "natural order"

uǝlƃ ↙↙↙ gepropella at gmail.com
Thu Feb 11 13:43:43 EST 2021

Ha! Yes, pragmatically, methodologically, in almost every way that matters in the world, there is such a thing as a ground truth and only fools mealy mouth their way around it. When I was a kid, waiting at the bus stop, a fellow bus rider said "I don't believe in gravity." We were, like, 9 years old at the time. Having been continuously indoctrinated in Catholic concepts of the universe, I knew immediately what she meant, because ... you know, I didn't believe in God. The point is that gravity and God are similar things to a 9 year old (that's not exceptionally advanced). They're just names for non-evident, far-flung, conceptual things. Denying that such conversations are relevant and important seems a bit short-sighted.

On 2/11/21 10:34 AM, Marcus Daniels wrote:
> I can't find the clip now, but I'm reminded of scene in a drama (Queen of the South?) where a journalist is confronted by a bad guy who proposes "Let's find out whether the pen is indeed mightier than the sword."  He stabs the journalist in the stomach and he dies.   That kind of sets my threshold of tolerance for open-ended bullshit about the impossibility of truth.   Because that guy was dead.

↙↙↙ uǝlƃ

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