[FRIAM] I am accepting wagers

jon zingale jonzingale at gmail.com
Mon Mar 15 17:30:28 EDT 2021

Well said, for the most part. The generalizations *do* serve a purpose, the
anecdotes as well. From my perspective, performance paralysis is alive and
well in our culture and often I am dismayed when for any given subject an
individual attempts expertise-passing by claiming impossibility. But hey,
why not, it's easy to do and supports not having to do something. Some of us
have cushy positions taking up space in institutions, and we like our fast
cars and that our kids are getting into the best schools. If I can keep all
of that going with minimal output, hot dog, what a bonus! I suppose if
something *really* needs done, well, we could always hire a Russian.
Generalizing and applying abstractions is obviously flawed, but it is also
obviously useful. If we cannot even point to the places where similar things
have been done before, what are we doing?

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