[FRIAM] the cancellation arc

uǝlƃ ☤>$ gepropella at gmail.com
Tue Sep 14 14:07:47 EDT 2021

Speaking of dreams ... I had this very vivid color dream sitting on "my" patio, a patio I've never actually seen in woke fugues, behind a house I've never actually seen while awake, watching a non-biomimetically tall deciduous tree that doesn't exist bend to some high winds. An impossibly long branch from that tree broke off an flattened a couple of parts of the house. In the dream, I surveyed the damage and kept thinking "that part's OK, I was gonna tear that down anyway", "that part sucks, redoing the brick so that it matches will be difficult". Etc. I woke up right in the middle of the survey *still* thinking I was thinking about an actual house until I snapped and remembered the house I actually live in (no brick, no impossibly high trees, no patio).

That purely internal experience was the most vivid one I've had since I was a kid, woke or asleep, and not merely visually, physically too, though it was clearly fake because I had no back pain, no headache, none of the chronic pains I always feel when I'm awake.

On 9/14/21 10:58 AM, Steve Smith wrote:
> On 9/14/21 10:29 AM, uǝlƃ ☤>$ wrote:
>> Yeah, well. Were I fully liberated, I'd be doing a lot more, and a lot more diverse, drugs than I do. Reading books is all well and good. But my guess is the experience of liberty is more expansive than intellectual knowledge of liberty. It takes a magician to truly appreciate magic.
> This would be the basis of my support for "the ineffable".   Not that
> thinking about an experience in linguistic terms isn't possible,
> rewarding, even insightful, it is not precisely *the same* as the
> experience, if even close.
>   *watching/hearing/smelling/feeling/tasting others* having an
> experience seems *more* apt to inform (apologies to NST) me
> empathetically/mirror-neurologically, but actually *having* the
> experience is still somewhat it's own thing.
> Having *had* the experience allows (perhaps) the linguistic/intellectual
> and the empathetic/mirror-neuron triggers to help me (re) access those
> experiences in some inner way.  Just because when watching the Williams
> sisters play tennis doesn't cause me to shift my weight to plant my feet
> and flex my racquet grip and swing an arm, doesn't mean the fact of
> having played thousands of hours of tennis in my lie doesn't give me a
> significantly different experience from what I might think I "know" of
> Jai Alai or Cricket or Curling or even Golf ferGawdSakez!
> I've reported my "locomotion" dreams before, but this puts a nice
> emphasis on what I suspect to be the difference between even my most
> extravagant running, jumping, swimming, tree-swinging dreams and my
> levitating/flying/soaring and especially my orbital mechanics dreams.  
> The latter is *entirely* symbolic while flying at least is fed (or
> informed?) by what I see in birds flight and my trivial amount of
> private piloting (but never
> hang-gliding/ultra-lighting/ram-chuting/squirrel-suiting).
> My proto/neo-libertarian nature comes (I postulate) from my having had a
> *fairly* liberated early life where the primary restrictions I
> experienced (allowed to constrain me) were the "hard knocks" variety NOT
> involving other people (especially near-peers).   I've always felt
> claustrophobic/cramped when confronted with social norms which is not to
> say I think those norms are *evil* or even *wrongheaded*, just
> "inconvenient".   The longer I live, the more experiences I have which
> help me to not only distinguish the "wrongheaded" from the
> "inconvenient" but also how to *navigate* the isoclines of a
> high-dimensional socio-political landscape on my own terms and thereby
> spend less time yelling at the TV or shaking my fist at the kids who
> need to "get off my lawn!".
> - Steve
>> On 9/14/21 9:11 AM, thompnickson2 at gmail.com wrote:
>>> He was the Mill  that had a scandalous affair <https://www.economist.com/open-future/2018/10/05/the-scandalous-love-affair-that-fuelled-john-stuart-mills-feminism> and went on seances with the likes of Erasmus Darwin.  [Charles never had any truck for that sort of thing.]  Mill sure knew what it was to be cancelled. 
> - .... . -..-. . -. -.. -..-. .. ... -..-. .... . .-. .
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"Better to be slapped with the truth than kissed with a lie."
☤>$ uǝlƃ

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