Yak Sightings
| 1998
Have you spotted the Yakman???
likes roadsides, often scraggly in
appearance, may bare teeth in upturned mouth expression, often seen
attached to slow moving two wheel vehicle, affable demeanor, not
considered dangerous. If seen, approach with hot food, free emailing
and information on shelter for the Yak and Yakman as offerings.
Claude in Japan
November 1997
December 13, 1998
The summit of Cotopaxi, Ecuador,
August 1998
Here, finally, is the picture I have
promised Claude and Ruedas since the day we stood on the summit
together. It was a great climb and the reward was this spectacular
Happy Christmas
from Susanna
September 30, 1998
Claude and Ruedas Sighting on Cotopaxi (Ecuador)
Hello Claude and Ruedas, we met on Cotopaxi
on August, 6th. I promised you
to send my pictures - well, here they are! How
are you ? I hope fine (sometimes I check on your web site).
My compliments for your trip and best wishes
for the future!
Fabio Lepore
Milan, Italy
September 14, 1998
I spent a wonderful holiday in Ecuador last
summer with my family, mostly thanks to our guide, Ralph. During this
trip, on the 13th of August, we met a strange guy you should
know: Claude Marthaler, at Herwanos Carrel refugee of Chimborazo at
4800 meters. I am disappointed not to be able to provide you with
pictures of Claude at the Chimboraza top, but I was not able to climb
higher. I hope Claude succeeded in finding friends to go there.
September 1, 1998
Hi Stephen,
Claude asked us, to sending the Cover
of our Website to you. so, here it is!
Greetings from the Swiss Yolodihooo Country
Marc Kampus
VeloPlus Rapperswilerstr. 22
CH 8620 Wetzikon
Kamakura, Japan, in March 1997
Claude visited Kamakura shortly before leaving
Japan for Alaska, and stayed at our home for one night. We invited
several friends over that evening, set up a slide projector and screen,
and enjoyed a wonderful slide presentation of Claude's journeys. Claude
is a very talented photographer, and his photos add a special dimension
to his very interesting travel stories. That combination, along with
Claude's engaging personality, made for an evening that none of us
will forget.
Two of the photos attached to this email were
taken the next morning as Claude was preparing to leave Kamakura and
bike back to his regular place of lodging some 40 kilometers away.
One shows Claude with my wife, Chieko, and the other shows him posing
with his bike. I believe Claude was planning to do some sightseeing
around Kamakura before heading on, and look forward to seeing his
photos from that trip.
*click to enlarge
Kamakura was the seat of the first shogunate
in Japan nearly 800 years ago, and is a picturesque town near the
sea with many temples scattered throughout the hills. Kamakura is
famous for the "Daibutsu" (Great Buddha), and, due to its
location on the ocean and proximity to Tokyo (just an hour away by
train), is a popular place for marine activities such as windsurfing.
A common sight on weekends are "jinrikisha", or traditional
man-pulled carts that haul tourists between temples.
I would like to commend you on doing a great
job with the Yak's site. I hope my small addition helps to describe
one instant on the long timeline of Claude's journey.
Best regards,

*click to enlarge
28th 1998 "Le Yak"
Bonjour Mr Guerin,
I have take this pictures of the Yak in San
Miguel de Allende, Mexico. He asked me to send to you this material.
I'm to do it, later, but I think it's better than never.
Bye. Thierry Beauvir.
November 11, 1997
Auf einer Wohnmobil-Tour durch "Death
Valley" in Kalifornien trafen wir (eine deutsche Familie aus
Dresden) auf Claude. Es war Mittwoch, der 26.11.1997, 11.00 Ortszeit.
Zu diesem Zeitpunkt war er noch guter Dinge und er erzaehlte uns von
seinen Plaenen. Das Photo machten wir in Tecopa waehrend einer kleineren
Pause, wo er und wir unser Trinkwasser nachfuellen mussten. Hoffentlich
wurde er nicht zugeweht, denn kurz nach Verlassen des Ortes kam ein
heftiger Sandsturm auf. Aber nachdem wir sahen wie sich Claude vom
Sandsturm schieben lies sind wir voller Zuversicht, dass er dieses
"kleine" Hinderniss gut ueberstanden hat. Wer weiss was
ihn sonst noch bis Fruehjahr 1999 auf dem Weg nach Feuerland erwartet...
November 11, 1997
Here are a couple of photos of Claude and YAK
stuff. Liz and I met YAK in Canyonlands, Utah, mid November '97. Just
briefly though; I slept in on a cold morning, and Claude didn't. I
missed coffee, a few of his photos and a few stories. We met going
in opposite directions, him running up a trail to get a photo as the
sun was retiring of some salt dome crater in the park. But we passed
again about a week later on the road just south of Moab. He was trying
to get to Monticello, Utah, before a nasty looking storm hit. I thought
we might connect again as Liz and I were spending another week or
more in the UT--AZ area. We didn't see Claude again, but we did run
into some one else who had--from Homer, Alaska--a family of three
heading south also. Turns out he had spent a couple of nights the
that very "over-sized camper", back in Homer about 6 months
previous. But I did want to just visit--his venture is truly, truly
amazing, I haven't givin up yet. I'll be in Central America for a
couple of months this winter. Maybe we''ll meet.
Buenos suerte,
Jerry Baird
October 20, 1997
Ciao Yak,
come procede il tuo viaggio... Io sono il figlio
di Michela Cardin. L'hai conosciuta al parco di Yellowstone. Sto cercando
di inviarti la foto che ti ho gia promesso nel messaggio percedente.
Speriamo di riuscire!!!
Ciao da Nicola (Trieste)Ecco la foto che ti
ho promesso...E' stata scattata a Yellowstone se non sbaglio!!! Tanti
auguri per il tuo viaggio!!
Ciao da Nicola (Trieste)
October 18, 1997
A Yak was spotted standing in the middle of
the road on Saturday afternoon, October 18 in Littleton, CO.
I was coming back from a hike in the mtns.
between Copper Mtn. and Leadville, and was about a mile from home
when I was approached by a mysterious yak-like creature at a stop
sign. The beast was looking for directions to Mt. Evans, apparently
seeking higher altitude to escape the unseasonally warm weather at
5300'. I pulled out a better scale map and we plotted a reasonable
route through Evergreen. The Yak was advised that the road up Mt.
Evans was closed at Echo Lake and was rather icy up there.
This really is exciting and I was glad I got
to meet Claude. Only wish I could've done more to make his USA adventure
more enjoyable. I hope his journey continues safely (It's snowing
in the mtns. tonite) and I plan on checking this homepage from time
to time to follow Claude's progress.
Jim Denier
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