Swiss bike meeting in nature's valley
June 1999
Dear Redfishes,
After our tour through Africa we met
Claude on the very beginning of his African crossing. There
the big surprise happened, we met the famous yakman.
Saturday, 6 Nov 1999
Mutare, Zimbabwe
Hi Claude!
Please find attached the picture I took
from you in september '99 in Mutare, Zimbabwe. It's a bit dark,
but maybe still nice for your records. I will follow your whereabouts
on your website the coming year. I hope you will arrive safely
in Switserland.
Take care,
Andries Tieleman
Haarlem, Holland
Wed, 22 Sep 1999
During our travel in Zimbabwe we saw a lonely
biker which turned out to be the very friendly Claude. In the morning
we passed him in our car while he was biking, and saw him back in
the evening on a camping ground, a few kilometers of distance from
the monuments Great Zimbabwe. Here are some pictures of: 1)
A picture of Great Zimbabwe 2) Claude in very good shape and
3) a picture of us.
Nice regards,
Kris Hellebuyck
Wed, 25 Aug 1999
Bulawayo, Zimbabwe
Dear Redfishes,
Here's a picture of the yak in
Johannesbourg, South Africa at the RIDE magazine Editorial,
July '99. "Harder to sit in front of a computer than to ride
a yak!"
The Yak
1995 (email received Thu, 29 Jul 1999)
A YAK was seen visiting the YAK Hotel in Lhasa, Tibet
On my way to Mt. Kailash in Tibet I also spent a few days
in Lhasa. At the YAK Hotel I had an encounter with two strange
individuals... Claude "YAKman" and the "YAK". With a radiant
smile Claude told me some adventurous stories of his first
year cycling in Asia and said that he was on his way to Japan...
"Amazing trip" I thought at that time, now this is already
four years ago...
One afternoon
we visited Drepung Monastery outside of Lhasa together. Claude,
the YAK and myself on a rented bike "Made in China". Sitting
under trees in the monastery garden, we were watching the
young monks debating "Tibetan style". The air was filled with
loud voices discussing philosophic topics, clapping hands
and lots of happy laughter. It was a really beautiful atmosphere
and we had a lot of fun. I'm glad that I met you there "Himalaya-infected"
and for all roads and kilometers on the African continent
to unveil for you Claude, "bonne chance" with YAK 4!
Salut, Ute

June 30, 1999
The Yak in South Africa
I met Claude Marthaler
5 weeks ago in South Afrika at the Cape of Good Hope. I wish
him very good look and success in his tour around the world.
The JPG-File includes
2 pictures of him from 23 May 99.
Martin Keil,

March 21, 1999
The Yak in Chile
From: Association du Scoutisme Genevois
Here are (late, very late!) some of
the photographs of the Yak in Chile!
I hope it's ok for you.
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