[FRIAM] death

gⅼеɳ ☣ gepropella at gmail.com
Thu Nov 2 14:30:53 EDT 2017

Awesome!  I appreciate the link, though reading my DSM V entry on BPD muddies my water. 8^)  From your words and those of the link (Mahari), I can't help but think about patterns of sensory stimuli, as opposed to "objects", per se.  While I completely reject the imputing of object-hood onto the repeating patterns, I do *not* reject the idea that those who have trouble inducing patterns from their experiences would have trouble developing appropriate to their environment.

In other words, I would reword what you say to something like "... when the familiar patterns of stimulus are not present."  I think it's useful to reword it that way because it would allow similar reactions to, e.g. a loved one's traumatic brain injury, where their personality changes in a fundamental way.  Although not that similar, I'm reminded of Shannon Allen's testimony in the Bowe Bergdahl trial: 

> "Instead of being his wife, I‘m his caregiver," Reuters reported she testified. "Which doesn’t mean I love him any less, but it’s a very different dynamic. We can’t even hold hands anymore without me prying open his hand and putting mine in."

If we could abandon or soften this silly atomicity fiction, we might get a better handle on subtle dynamics like that.

On 11/02/2017 11:16 AM, Frank Wimberly wrote:
> Hmm.  In my own words: perhaps you've known people who "fall to pieces" when the object of their attachment isn't present.  This often causes that "object" to flee.  Think of boy-girl relationships in adolescence which sometimes are messed up because of the imprint of the past.
> Frank
> Frank Wimberly
> Phone (505) 670-9918
> On Nov 2, 2017 12:09 PM, "Frank Wimberly" <wimberly3 at gmail.com <mailto:wimberly3 at gmail.com>> wrote:
>     Lack of object constancy after childhood is definitely considered to be symptomatic.  If you don't believe something exists unless you are experiencing it, including yourself, you will have a difficult time.
>     Here is a link:
>     http://borderlinepersonality.typepad.com/my_weblog/2008/06/lack-of-object.html <http://borderlinepersonality.typepad.com/my_weblog/2008/06/lack-of-object.html>

☣ gⅼеɳ

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