[FRIAM] Lets try this again reaching out for advice and opinions

uǝlƃ ☣ gepropella at gmail.com
Wed Jul 11 19:18:17 EDT 2018

Ha!  That's a pretty funny image. The idea that there's a bunch of lurkers bobbing their heads at what someone says seems like something Trump might think. It would be an interesting experiment.  When/if you post some blurb to your favorite medium, be it cocktail party, Twitter, or some mailing list, if nobody responds, do you think: a) everyone must agree with you? b) people see it but don't care? c) people must disagree with you because otherwise they'd argue?, or d) nobody's there?

I've known quite a few musicians who, even while on stage, seem to crave the audience's attention or participation.  They seem to feel that if nobody's dancing (or banging, or moshing, or whatever's appropriate), then their gig is somehow failing.  Being a bit of a shoegazer, myself, it's bizarre to think that the people producing such beautiful audioscapes would ever need, much less want, my feedback.  But they do.

On 07/11/2018 11:50 AM, Steven A Smith wrote:
> Glen, your anecdote joins nicely with Jaqueline's question "if this list
> is dead, where will all the lurkers go?" to create an image of hundreds
> of heads at hundreds of screens bobbing up and down!
> This triggers for me, the famous film quote (tagline?) from the Alien 4
> part trilogy: "In space, nobody can hear you scream".   I'm not a big
> fan of horror, yet I happen to be (re)reading Stephen King's book on
> writing aptly titled "On Writing" and of all the horrific movies out
> there, Alien was the first (and approximately only) one to ever catch my
> fancy.
> It also triggers my contemplation/reflection on our collective
> attraction to Zombie Apocalypse movies... (Night of the Living Dead,
> Omega Man, et cetera, ad nauseum) and the way this might be a subtly
> coded set of messages allowing us to engage in the xenophobia we
> consistently (western society?) seem to return to.

☣ uǝlƃ

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