[FRIAM] Modeling 4chan: roles, topics, beliefs, strawman, anonymity, etc.

Marcus Daniels marcus at snoutfarm.com
Mon Jan 28 13:47:28 EST 2019

A story is imaginary or a reformulation of past experience.  It's written down and static.  A story has to fit together or else it is not a story, it is improvisation.   A LEO would have to model the situation and estimate what risks she was prepared to take and to reconcile her job with her own values.    A third situation would be the person that wants to visit different environments and develop the ability to navigate them, without regard to any underlying ideology or power structure behind that environment.   Optionally, that person my retrospectively model the different experiences to find some unifying patterns.

On 1/28/19, 11:29 AM, "uǝlƃ ☣" <gepropella at gmail.com> wrote:

    I think so.  It strikes me that committed actors try to authentically *be* the role, fill the role.  I say this because they (in interviews and such) often use words like "bring humanity to the character" and "see the world from the character's perspective".  They seem to do this *not* because they want to trick the audience (seemingly), but because they're acting like defense attorneys.  Even the most horrible *person* deserves to be treated like a person.
    I suspect many/most (?) LEOs are pretending to be some person in order to *stop* that person from playing that role, whatever it is.  The common trope is that an undercover LEO or spy might have to commit their own small crimes/sincerities in order to focus on the larger crimes/insincerities.  A method actor would, I think, want to at least simulate the entire person, with no intention of *preventing* some aspects of the person from coming through.
    I think we can distinguish a spy whose purpose is to do something like "regime building" versus a spy whose intent is to, say, catch a mole.  A spy who wants to, say, set/prop up a particular form of government, e.g. the Saudi Prince, would be more like the method actor and less like a LEO.
    On 1/28/19 10:18 AM, Marcus Daniels wrote:
    > Is there an important difference between Stanislavski method acting and convincing insincerity?    Similar skill set to vice cops and spies.
    ☣ uǝlƃ
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