[FRIAM] Modeling 4chan: roles, topics, beliefs, strawman, anonymity, etc.

uǝlƃ ☣ gepropella at gmail.com
Mon Jan 28 14:01:05 EST 2019

I was struggling to find something to disagree with. 8^)  But of course, I found it.

A story is not (purely) imaginary nor a (mere) reformulation of past experience.  I think it's part-and-parcel of consciousness, whatever that is.  We tell ourselves stories all the time, big and small ones.  Is there a difference between a dynamic story and a static story?  [Non]Linear stories?  Multiple story tellers versus an omniscient third party narrator?  Interactive versus passive? [†] Yes, of course.  But they're still stories.

[†] Bandersnatch was interesting: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt9495224/

On 1/28/19 10:47 AM, Marcus Daniels wrote:
> A story is imaginary or a reformulation of past experience.  It's written down and static.  A story has to fit together or else it is not a story, it is improvisation.   A LEO would have to model the situation and estimate what risks she was prepared to take and to reconcile her job with her own values.    A third situation would be the person that wants to visit different environments and develop the ability to navigate them, without regard to any underlying ideology or power structure behind that environment.   Optionally, that person my retrospectively model the different experiences to find some unifying patterns.

☣ uǝlƃ

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