[FRIAM] https://www.nytimes.com/2021/11/04/technology/pamela-mccorduck-dead.html [eom]

Frank Wimberly wimberly3 at gmail.com
Fri Nov 5 14:31:15 EDT 2021

The Shaw who is quoted there's Mary Shaw, a very accomplished computer
scientist.  She and I went flying together once.  She is a avid pilot.
Maybe I should say was.  She's older than I am and insurance companies make
it difficult after 70.

Frank C. Wimberly
140 Calle Ojo Feliz,
Santa Fe, NM 87505

505 670-9918
Santa Fe, NM

On Fri, Nov 5, 2021, 11:31 AM Steve Smith <sasmyth at swcp.com> wrote:

> I did not know Pamela well, having only met her in person once or twice.
> We did have a number of very gracious/generous off-list exchanges after Joe
> died.  I am always intrigued by anyone who bothers to engage with the
> harder/tech world from a humanist point of view.
> I didn't know Joe at all, but in listening to a panel discussion
> <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Iv-T-RqDfc> with Pamela a couple of
> years ago, she attributed the "Reasonable Person Principle" to Joe, or at
> least to him having shepherded it well while CS chair at CMU.  On a good
> day, it feels as if FriAM tries to approach this.
> From Joe's Memorium at CMU
> <https://csd.cmu.edu/news/memoriam-joseph-f-traub>
> "I have always admired Joe's leadership style, which was strongly rooted
> in the Reasonable Person Principle," said Shaw, the Alan J. Perlis
> University Professor of Computer Science and a National Medal of Technology
> and Innovation recipient. "He made decisions by building consensus,
> sometimes by public meetings preceded by position papers, sometimes by
> walking around and talking to people. He rarely, if ever, was the main
> public advocate for a position, but he rather shepherded the discussion to
> a reasonable outcome."
> I had forgotten that Pamela published a memoir and announcing that was
> (best I can tell) her last contribution to this list just over 2 years
> ago...
>     https://press.etc.cmu.edu/index.php/product/this-could-be-important/
> Mary has read  a lot of memoirs with me in the last 4-5 years... Pamela's
> now goes on our list.  I only wish I'd bothered when she announced it.
> - Steve
> On 11/5/21 4:02 AM, Merle Lefkoff wrote:
> Thank you Marcus and Stephen for your remarks.  Pamela and Joe were good
> friends, and she was a  mentor for me as I struggled to enter the new world
> of complex systems.  We met when Pamela interviewed me for her book "The
> Futures for Women" which, not surprisingly, you won't see mentioned among
> her many contributions (some things never change).
> On Fri, Nov 5, 2021 at 3:02 AM Stephen Guerin <stephen.guerin at simtable.com>
> wrote:
>> We were fortunate to have Pamela among us. Take some time and search the interwebs
>> on Pamela <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pamela_McCorduck>. Order her
>> books
>> <https://www.amazon.com/s?k=pamela+mccorduck&i=digital-text&ref=nb_sb_noss_2>
>> and watch her interviews
>> <https://www.google.com/search?q=pamela+mccorduck&rlz=1CAOTWH_enUS880&sxsrf=AOaemvIiN1Cz-TSMhP2g1fOUSNsTjPIDlw:1636080887613&source=lnms&tbm=vid&sa=X&sqi=2&ved=2ahUKEwiDs4ShnID0AhXyh_0HHapQB54Q_AUoAXoECAEQAw&biw=1200&bih=649&dpr=2>.
>> Pamela witnessed the birth and the growth of AI and danced and sparred with
>> the great luminaries (Herb Simon, Ed Feigenbaum, her husband Joe Traub, Raj
>> Reddy, etc) - She was a humanist that interpreted the field and created
>> bridges for Snow's Two Cultures. She was an equal among the masters.
>> She reminded me of my favorite aunts, one that humored explorations but
>> let you know you still had no idea what you're talking about.  I always
>> valued her perspective and was honored she was watching and
>> occasionally participating.
>> Pamela was one of the great ones.
>> -Stephen
>> _______________________________________________________________________
>> Stephen.Guerin at Simtable.com <stephen.guerin at simtable.com>
>> CEO, Simtable  http://www.simtable.com
>> 1600 Lena St #D1, Santa Fe, NM 87505
>> office: (505)995-0206 mobile: (505)577-5828
>> twitter: @simtable
>> z <http://zoom.com/j/5055775828>oom.simtable.com
>> On Thu, Nov 4, 2021 at 9:39 PM Frank Wimberly <wimberly3 at gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>>> I'm so sorry about that.  I just reviewed the many emails Pam and I
>>> exchanged over the years.
>>> ---
>>> Frank C. Wimberly
>>> 140 Calle Ojo Feliz,
>>> Santa Fe, NM 87505
>>> 505 670-9918
>>> Santa Fe, NM
>>> On Thu, Nov 4, 2021, 6:01 PM Marcus Daniels <marcus at snoutfarm.com>
>>> wrote:
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>>>> - .
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> --
> Merle Lefkoff, Ph.D.
> Center for Emergent Diplomacy
> emergentdiplomacy.org
> Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA
> mobile:  (303) 859-5609
> skype:  merle.lelfkoff2
> twitter: @merle110
> .-- .- -. - / .- -.-. - .. --- -. ..--.. / -.-. --- -. .--- ..- --. .- - .
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