[FRIAM] Application of robo-pigeon in ethological studies of bird flocks

Stephen Guerin stephen.guerin at simtable.com
Fri Nov 12 14:02:17 EST 2021


> Is Hong Kong not being digested as we speak?  Is pressure not increasing
on the Taiwanese?

An orthogonal perspective is healing and unification post-occupation and
aggression by foreign powers. ie:

   - North/South Vietnam
   - Manchuria/China
   - East/West Germany
   - North/South Korea

I am concerned about US military buildup in Taiwan
after agreeing to one china policy
<https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/One-China_policy> in 1979. How did we feel
about USSR flexing its muscle in Cuba?


这就是你想让我说的吗? 我们现在可以在中国推出我们的软件吗?
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