[FRIAM] EU travel

Steve Smith sasmyth at swcp.com
Sat Jun 4 05:23:10 EDT 2022

Regarding my diatribe below my logistics:

I've been (re) reading Graeber's "Dawn of Everything" and would be 
interested to hear other's thoughts who might have read him as well.

My own read is that he is even snarkier about "establishment scientists" 
in his domain of interest than he was in "Debt" but I do appreciate his 
thorough fact-gathering and (alternative) analysis.  His conclusions are 
often a bit hard to swallow (especially in the shadow of his criticism 
of others), but not without merit in many cases.

- Steve

On 6/4/22 10:17 AM, Steve Smith wrote:
> Jochen -
>> I get "mail delivery failed" errors if I try to reply to you directly 
>> Steve :-( Maybe the mailbox is full?
>> -J.
>> -------- Original message --------
>> Oh, you are making a tour through Europe? Nice. Do you plan to visit 
>> Berlin or Germany too?
>> -J.
> Yes, we are on a long visit/tour anchored by the month of June at 
> Jenny Quillien's place in Weesp, NL.   She is on her own "walkabout" 
> in Northmost North America ( Alaska) and has gifted a few of us 
> under-traveled Americans the opportunity to settle at her place for a 
> long visit to Europe as COVID has lifted and Putin has not launched 
> WWIII (yet).
> The previous guests were delayed most of a week for their return to 
> Santa Fe due to a false-positive COVID test, but are on their way now 
> and we arrive there on the 8th, only 1  week behind schedule.
> I don't know of other (regularly posting?) members of FriAM living in 
> Europe besides yourself.   I am sure there are some... Jenny is 
> nominally a FriAM member and many of you know her in-person but we do 
> not hear from her online often.   I always like to put a face with a 
> name when I can and meet colleagues and correspondents in person.
> I missed SteveG's son Miles by only a few hours (by coincidence) as we 
> flew in through Reykjavik.  I haven't seen Miles since he was about 15 
> or 16... I believe he is living in Estonia part-time and traveling the 
> Baltics this summer.   I don't think we will get that far from 
> Amsterdam, though I have always wanted to visit Vilnius and the 
> district of Uzupis.   Too close to the wounded Russian Bear right now?
> This is likely our last transcontinental trip based on climate 
> impacts, etc.   It feels terribly self-indulgent to burn so much jet 
> fuel for "simple leisure".   This kind of travel feeds and informs 
> Mary's travel and I'm using it to inform my continued study of 
> Collective Emergent Human Consciousness in some sense and trying to 
> understand the differences between 1st World Europe and 1st World USA, 
> especially in terms of the adaptability that the Dutch, in particular, 
> have undergone. Being in villages that were occupied by Napolean and 
> then the Russians pushing him back followed by the devastaion of WWI 
> to be rebuilt and then re-devastated by WWII is fascinating... and 
> these villages include in some cases 0AD Roman ruins and cathedrals 
> built up to 1000 years ago and still in use.   This kind of deep-time 
> parallax is beyond the experience of *most* Americans.   The Native 
> American Pueblo I live inside was "granted" it's existence by the King 
> of Spain in 1623 but probably didn't exist until after the Chacoan 
> collapse a few centuries earlier.   NM is home to Clovis of the famous 
> "Clovis Points" and Clovis culture that runs back a few more thousands 
> of years, but Europe's legacy of Homo Sapiens going back to early 
> holocene and Neanderthalis 100,000 years earlier is mind boggling to 
> my foreshortened sense of human history American Style.
> - Steve
> try my other e-mails (sas at lava3d.com and sas.lava3d at gmail.com or even 
> 001 505 920 0252 by phone or whatsapp).
> -. --- - / ...- .- .-.. .. -.. / -- --- .-. ... . / -.-. --- -.. .
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