[FRIAM] Enamine

Steve Smith sasmyth at swcp.com
Fri Mar 11 16:53:49 EST 2022

On 3/11/22 10:29 AM, Marcus Daniels wrote:
> < Meanwhile let's argue about the details of the tech to use H2 as a storage/transportation alternative to fossil fuels and keep on endorsing the stacking of the house of cards higher and higher, because after all, like the tower of babel we will eventually get to heaven that way? Techno-utopian paths forward seem inevitable so I *am* interested in the details of these kinds of things, but without an equal focus on reducing our appetite by orders of magnitude, I think we are just rearranging deck chairs. >
> It just irritates me when a promising system has some property that may need to be addressed is dismissed in some drive-by shooting sort of way.
> I rarely travel and think that face-to-face communication takes away as much as it adds.  People pull their punches when they feel they can be punched.

yes, the situation we are in (as always and forever really) is tricky 
business.   I accept that we need to do lots of things that can feel (to 
purists) like 2 steps forward and 3 steps sideways/back.   A partially 
hydrogen-fueled industrial/transportation system may be part of a key 
transition path away from fossil fuels and even a final residual resting 
place if magically humanity ends up in a healthy homeostasis with mother 
Gaia (and Auntie Medea appeased enough to avoid her wrath?)  That is a 
long and windy path, and it feels like both need to proceed briskly but 
also thoughtfully... that doesn't seem to be in our 
hyper-capitalist/techno-utopianist DNA?

I've lived long enough to have a loooong list of "good ideas" that I 
either initiated or threw my energy behind or at least tacitly agreed 
with enough not to question, and sooo many of them have turned out to be 
actually a step in the wrong direction, that I'm feeling very skitchy 
about those kinds of solutions.

- Steve

> Marcus
> .-- .- -. - / .- -.-. - .. --- -. ..--.. / -.-. --- -. .--- ..- --. .- - .
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