[FRIAM] [un]official disambiguation?

steve smith sasmyth at swcp.com
Mon Jul 1 14:32:26 EDT 2024

Phellow Phriamers -

    Here are my anti-Trump ideations grounded in the SCrOTUS decision of
    the day:

Warning, vivid imagery which
may induce */limbic chaos/*!
President Joe Biden writes the following (official act) executive orders 
and proclamations:

     1. Officially change his name to Dark Brandon
     2. pardon Joe Biden AND Dark Brandon for anything "they" might do
        or have done, and specifically all of the following "official"
        if otherwise illegal (partisan) acts:
         1. an open ended list of threatening and scary (and
            devastating) partisan acts.
         2. a hidden list paralleling the above but with trivial,
            non-destructive technically similar acts to actually carry
            out every few days to remind everyone of the first list and
            become potential test cases for SCrOTUS to worry over.
     3. Recall all of Trump's Secret Service detail (invoke Austerity
        and Small Government) from the field.
         1. Assign them to protect a mint or Ft Knox or similar.
         2. Possibly leave him un-protected.
         3. Possibly re-assign non-loyalists to his detail.
         4. Possibly rotate them at random so he sees new faces daily.
         5. Probably many of them women covering the full spectrum of
            his type/not-type
             1. Have them drill with male detail members, practicing
                groin-grab attacks.
         6. Include one of Biden's German Shepherds (or lookalike) on
            the team.
             1. Let her sniff Trump inappropriately and often.
     4. Alternatively declare a UFC-style hand-to-hand competition
        between Trump's current (Loyalist) detail and the most elite
        trained fighters in all of the Services.
         1. With blank pardons in case anyone gets hurt badly.
         2. Maybe throw in some of Trump's "very tough" ringers from the
            "Illegals" he fears.   Dressed as Luchadors and Luchadoras.
         3. Give every Loyalist Secret Service member on Trump's detail
            the option to ask (anonymously) for a new assignment (see
            above) before their match.
         4. Expect nothing but no-shows and a swelling in the ranks at
            the mints and Ft. Knox?
     5. Alternatively call for a series of "live fire" exercises (red
        team v blue team) between Trump's detail and hand-picked top
        performers from the remaining pool.
         1. Blank pardon's available to Blue Team members.
         2. Rules of Engagement: Tombstone:
             1. (S)He who draws first is declared a murderer
                 1. otherwise self-defense.
             2. Blue team holds open pardons, Red does not.
         3. Location and timing determined by Blue team.
             1. Mar a Lago at 3 AM
             2. Any Trump property at any time
             3. Any airfield where TrumpForceOne lands.
         4. Collateral damage to civilians present also covered by
         5. Judicious use of non-lethal but humiliating weapons and

Remember, none of these acts need actually be executed (except maybe 
2.2) , just laid out in a convincing manner.  The *targets* needn't be 
limited to the *former* President, just to keep the worst actors in the 
MAGA camp on their toes.   Jim Jordan invited to "wrestle" for Trump 
Team with a tag team of Luchadors like El Santo and the Blue Demon whose 
backstory includes being abused by their wrestling coach as young 
teens.  And who gets to (mud) wrestle with MTG, maybe Luchadora Rubí ?   
And LIndsay Graham? a whole tag team of mostly naked Luchadors who are 
especially trained to be "firm but gentle" with him, maybe even pass him 
around a circle?

Or maybe a series of SWATtings with a mysterious "man in black" (MIB) 
standing back supervising the operation?   Preferably the MIB is a man 
with a slim build, grey hair, a crooked smile and aviator glasses.   
Maybe laser-pointers in his AR glasses such than wherever those laser 
dots land, the SWAT team gives the individual a little "extra" 
attention?  Lots of wet-noodle, limp-dishrag "smacking around".   No 
significant damage, maybe just lots of humiliation.  Maybe clips from 
the body-cams of the SWATs automatically submitted to SCOTUS and Faux 
News for review to see if anyone step over the "official acts" line 
(with a copy of the executive order giving them permission to bitchslap 
each of the individuals named and an open pardon in case they somehow 
overstep, etc."

Jeffries and Harris (as President of Senate) draft legislation 
forbidding all this kind of shite (and the kind MAGA is ideating on as 
well) for the full bodies to vote on.  Maybe we can slam a few loopholes 
shut in a hurry?

Sort of an absurdist Krystalnacht of the Spotless Mind for the MAGAs?

No end /of the fun to be had/ inside the "Unbearable Lightness of MY 
Spotless Mind" when these Socio-Political-Cultural inflection points 
pass before it.   I should probably turn off all the (physical) screens 
in my view and let the virtual ones inside my skull wind down a little?

    Oh, but the limbic chaos it engenders!

- Stave

On 7/1/24 10:32 AM, Marcus Daniels wrote:
> Besides the heroic act of following LBJ, another one could be to deal with Trump.  Hard to punish an old person with threat of incarceration.  His defense could last years until he died, and meanwhile they argue diminished capacity.   Let's go Dark Brandon.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Friam<friam-bounces at redfish.com>  On Behalf Of glen
> Sent: Monday, July 1, 2024 9:25 AM
> To:friam at redfish.com
> Subject: Re: [FRIAM] [un]official disambiguation?
> I don't think so. E.g. Trump's threat to fire the AG for not opening investigations seems official, if a bit unethical. So the righties' rhetoric about "Biden's persecution of Trump" is nonsense. It would (now) be a clearly official act for Biden to threaten the AG for refusing to open an investigation into Trump. But the conclusions of that investigation are another matter. The effects of such acts percolate down through the admin, then back up through the courts. What's missing in action is the 3rd branch, here. And I think it's safe to claim the Senate bears most of the responsibility for a defunkt legislature.
> Anyway, the hysteria on all sides to this ruling seem similar to the Dems' hysteria w.r.t. Biden's debate performance. It's like everyone's lost their executive function. I'm starting to think we need to send every citizen through pilot training so they can learn to stay calm under duress ... and I'm normally the first to insult the Rationalists. 8^D
> On 7/1/24 08:49, Marcus Daniels wrote:
>> The "outer perimeter" would allow Biden to through Trump in a dungeon, etc.  No?
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Friam<friam-bounces at redfish.com>  On Behalf Of glen
>> Sent: Monday, July 1, 2024 7:59 AM
>> To:friam at redfish.com
>> Subject: [FRIAM] [un]official disambiguation?
>> https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/live/2024/jul/01/supreme-court-trump-immunity-claim-decision-updates#top-of-blog
>> Anyone care to take a stab at explaining why the ruling doesn't simply kick the can down the road a bit? I mean, how could (say) hiding secret documents, riot incitation at a campaign event, etc. be considered official acts of the Office of the President? I suppose I can see some of the evidence being thrown out, like claims about POTUS not getting involved in protecting the Capitol building. But is this ruling really that damaging to the prosecution's case?
> -. --- - / ...- .- .-.. .. -.. / -- --- .-. ... . / -.-. --- -.. .
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