[FRIAM] Is consciousness a mystery? (used to be "mystery...deeper".T

steve smith sasmyth at swcp.com
Thu Jul 11 20:26:19 EDT 2024

SG you inglorious basterd!  You and Dan Gupta IVo !

I engaged your ideosyncratic vector-space encoding of consciousness, 
Dual-Field and all (I cranked my setting to the 1.0 stops, though I 
think 1.0 - epsilon is more correct).

I couldn't guess easily what to do with the clip-board full of JSON 
encoded results...

I now want a multi(5)dimensional spring-embedder and/or a Grand Tour or 
an SOM of this space and the "implied" higher-dimensional space this is 
a mere scaffolding or armature of?  But maybe that is just me...   What 
does this "whole" space look like intuitively?


> Lol.  That’s fine, except for the suspicious promotion Ecological Dual 
> Fields!
> *From:*Friam <friam-bounces at redfish.com> *On Behalf Of *Stephen Guerin
> *Sent:* Thursday, July 11, 2024 4:36 PM
> *To:* The Friday Morning Applied Complexity Coffee Group 
> <friam at redfish.com>
> *Subject:* Re: [FRIAM] Is consciousness a mystery? (used to be 
> "mystery...deeper".T
> Nick
> you wrote:
> *>  In reply, I only would say that if somebody were willing to ask me 
> short, to-the-point questions about my thinking on any matter and 
> explore carefully my answers, I would eternally grateful.   I might 
> even cuddle with them in a thunderstorm.
> *
> Based on your request above, Dan created 5 questions for you. Please 
> answer by moving the sliders and hit the button to copy the results 
> and email it to the list. I promise to carefully consider your 
> answers. I asked Dan to do his best to partition the 
> consciousness space to understand where you are coming from and give 
> the closest philosophers to your thinking. Any issue with the 
> questions, partitioning or philosopher vectors we can follow up with Dan.
> Consciousness Questions:https://guerin.acequia.io/consciousnessTensor.html 
> (from the AI maker that brought you Elf Selector)
> others are welcome to post their results. Dan may create a 
> group report with enough samples...
> https://guerin.acequia.io/consciousnessTensor.html
> _________________________________________________________________
> Stephen Guerin
> CEO, Founder
> https://simtable.com
> stephen.guerin at simtable.com
> stephenguerin at fas.harvard.edu
> Harvard Visualization Research and Teaching Lab 
> <https://hwpi.harvard.edu/eps-visualization-research-laboratory/home>
> mobile: (505)577-5828
> On Thu, Jul 11, 2024 at 2:55 PM Nicholas Thompson 
> <thompnickson2 at gmail.com> wrote:
>     Steve,
>     The scale of your response alone suggests that it cannot be baby
>     steps.
>     I guess I am proposing a method here, one inn we work outward from
>     an evocative experience to explore our understandings of
>     contraversial concepts, and that we do it in relatively short bursts.
>     */Dusty comes to cuddle with David when she hears thunder./*
>     */Does Dusty love David?/*
>     If yes, what else would you expect Dusty to do with  respect to
>     David. given you have made that attribution.
>     If no, what more would have Dusty have to do, before you would
>     make such an attribution.
>     I would like to respond to an inference that there is something
>     patronizing about my insisting on a method, as if  I think you
>     need thought-therapy and I am the guy to give it.  In reply, I
>     only would say that if somebody were willing to ask me short,
>     to-the-point questions about my thinking on any matter and explore
>     carefully my answers, I would eternally grateful.   I might even
>     cuddle with them in a thunderstorm.
>     NIck
>     Nick
>     On Thu, Jul 11, 2024 at 4:05 PM steve smith <sasmyth at swcp.com> wrote:
>         Nick -
>         I'm glad you acknowledged (in another branch of this thread?)
>         the "grumpiness" aspect of your initiation/participation in
>         this thread.  Your analogy around thought/feeling "expression"
>         and that of pimple popping is in fact very apt if a bit
>         graphic.  I do think many of us want this apparently deeply
>         thorny/paradoxical problem to be easier than it is?   And the
>         plethora of complexly subtle dis/mis-agreements on language
>         around consciousness, intelligence, cognition, (self)
>         awareness, qualia complicates that yet more.
>         I don't know if my own baby-steps are helpful, given that my
>         background/perspective might align more with DaveW than most
>         others here (I'm very sympathetic with a pan-consciousness
>         perspective)? maybe it parses as baby-babble more than
>         baby-steps...
>             I missed most of this (and related) threads but am
>             surprised at where this seems to be going. I always
>             associated consciousness with subjective experience and
>             not necessarily with self awareness. The "hard problem of
>             consciousness" is qualia, not self-awareness. No? An AI
>             agent cannot understand language on anything other than a
>             superficial basis because it has no idea what, for example
>             "wet," means. Nevertheless, it will be quite good at
>             stringing words together that say coherent things about
>             wetness. An AI agent has no /idea /about anything. At the
>             same time, an AI agent will be quite good at creating
>             coherent statements about very many things. Just because
>             an AI agent is able to create coherent statements does not
>             mean that those statements reflect the agent's
>             ideas--since it has no ideas.
>         Russ's  point here is a good pivot point for me in this
>         conversation if it is possible to make the pivot.  It may not be.
>         Knowing and Knowing-About:
>               I use the former to be the quality of qualia... not
>             easily formalizeable nor quantifiable nor with obvious
>             models which are not intrinsically subjective.  
>             "Knowing-About" is for me reserved for the formalized
>             models of "facts about the world and relations between
>             ideas" and when I say "formalized" I don't preclude
>             storytelling or the highly vilified "just so stories".
>             Formalized mathematical, statistical, logical models with
>             digital computer simulations (or analog electronic,
>             mechanical, hydraulic, pneumatic "circuits" or "systems") 
>             are "knowing about"...  a steam train for example embodies
>             "knowing about" converting carbon-fuel into linear motion
>             across long distances, carrying heavy loads by way of many
>             repeatable mechanisms...   the implementation and
>             operation of such a device/system is a "proof" in some
>             sense of the design.
>              On top of that design/system are other design/systems
>             (say the logic of Railroad Robber Baronages) upon which
>             yet other systems (say Industrial-revolution era
>             proto-hyper-capitalism) on top of which rides trans-global
>             corporatism and nationalism in their own "gyre and
>             gimbal"  with a in intra-stellar and eventually
>             inter-stellar variation in the sense of Asimov's
>             Foundation and Empire or perhaps for the youth culture
>             here (under 60?) George Lucas' Star Wars Empire or
>             Roddenberry's Star Trek Federation vs ???
>         Consciousness:
>             A the lowest level consciousness or perhaps
>             proto-consciousness registers for me as "having a model of
>             the world useful for guiding behaviour toward
>             surviving/thriving/reproducing/collectivizing". This
>             permeates all of life from somewhere down at the
>             single-celled bacteria/archaea/fungi/phyto-thingies/  up
>             to and through vertebrates/mammals/hominids/sapiens
>             On the reflection of whether my cat or dog, or the
>             hummingbirds outside my window or the mice trying to sneak
>             back into my house have "consciousness", or even more
>             pointedly the mosquito I slapped into a blood (my blood by
>             the way) spot on my forearm last night, have
>             "consciousness"...   while each of these appear to have a
>             "consciousness" I know it to be variously more or less
>             familiar to my own.   My elaborate (unfettered?)
>             imagination allows me to make up (just so?) stories about
>             how cetaceans, cephalapods, jellyfish all variously have
>             aspects of their "consciousness' that I could (do?)
>             recognize (empathize with?).   So I would want a
>             multivalued function with at least two simple scalars:
>             Familiarity-to-Me(Conscioiusness) and
>             Potency-of(Consciousness), pick your scale... my identical
>             twin or maybe conjoined twin might max out on the first
>             scale while a nematode or a bacterium might trail off
>             toward nil on the first AND second scale.  And beyond the
>             scale of organic life into artificial life and  beyond,
>             the "familiarity" of a glider or oscillator in the
>             GameO'Life or the braided rings of Saturn, even less
>             significant but not zero?   The Potency-scale seems to be
>             something like *agency* which feels absolute for most of
>             us except Robert Sapolsky while the *agency* of an
>             electron or neutrino seems registered at *absolute zero*,
>             though the Quantum Consciousness folks maybe put it at max
>             and our own more an illusive projection of that?
>             The idea of "collective individuation" (e.g. mashup of
>             Eleanor Ostrom's collectives and Jung's individuation)
>             suggests that perception, cognition, intelligence, even
>             consciousness may well be a collective phenomena.   Our
>             organs, tissues, cells, organelles, macromolecules, CHON++
>             molecules, atoms, baryons/fermions, quarks, strings,
>             branes  are on a loose hierarchy of diminishing
>             Familiarity-Consciousness and Potency-Consciousness.   I'm
>             more interested (these days) in the emergent collective
>             consciousness of the noosphere and perhaps the symbiotic
>             culture of humanity and life-at-all-scales (SCHLAAS?)   it
>             feels wild and science-fictiony to assert that earth's
>             biosphere has already (in the last 150 years) conjured a
>             nervous system, a global-brain (ala Francis Heylighen:
>             Global Brain Institute)
>             https://globalbraininstitute.org/ with "our own" Bollen,
>             Joslyn, Rodriguez still on the Board of Technical
>             Advisors.   I scoffed at this somewhat 25 years ago
>             (mostly because of the hubris of "Global" and "Brain").
>         OK Nick, so not "baby steps" more like a hyper-baby's mad dash
>         through an obstacle course or maybe a pentathalon?   I tried
>         shunting all this to George Tremblay IVo but he referred me to
>         Gussie Tumbleroot who cheered me on on my careening ideational
>         orbits.
>         Gurgle,
>          - Steve
>             -- Russ Abbott
>             Professor Emeritus, Computer Science
>             California State University, Los Angeles
>             On Thu, Jul 11, 2024 at 9:30 AM Frank Wimberly
>             <wimberly3 at gmail.com> wrote:
>                 Glen,
>                 This is a test to illustrate somethiing about Gmail to
>                 Nick.
>                 On Tue, Jul 9, 2024 at 4:37 PM glen
>                 <gepropella at gmail.com> wrote:
>                     https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0003347215003085
>                     On July 9, 2024 2:04:29 PM PDT, Prof David West
>                     <profwest at fastmail.fm> wrote:
>                         Maybe I should not be replying, as I do
>                         believe my dogs (and your cat if you have one)
>                         are conscious.
>                         I have not experienced a Vulcan Mind-Meld with
>                         either of my dogs, so I cannot say with
>                         certainty they are conscious—I must infer it
>                         from observations:
>                         1- interactions with other dogs would seem to
>                         indicate they "remember" past interactions and
>                         do not require the same butt-sniffing protocol
>                         with dogs they have met at the park
>                         frequently. Also they seem to remember who
>                         plays with who and who doesn't. "That ball is
>                         not mine, this one is."
>                         2-they modify their behavior depending on the
>                         tenor, sharpness, and volume of barks, ear
>                         positions, tail wagging differences, by the
>                         other dogs; e.g., "that's enough."
>                         3-They do not communicate to me in English,
>                         but seem to accept communication from me in
>                         that language—not trained responses to
>                         commands, but "listening to conversations"
>                         between myself and Mary and reacting to words
>                         (e.g., dog park) that are exchanged in those
>                         conversations. Mary and I are totally
>                         sedentary and speaking in conversational tone,
>                         so pretty sure there we are not sending
>                         'signals' akin to training words, training
>                         tone of voice.
>                         4-they seem to remember trauma, (one of our
>                         dogs spent three days with dead owner before
>                         anyone knew the owner was deceased and will
>                         bite if anyone tries to forcefully remove him
>                         from my (current bonded owner) presence.
>                         5-seek "psychological comfort" by crawling
>                         into my bed and sleeping on my shoulder when
>                         the thunderstorm comes.
>                         */_All of these are grounded in
>                         anthropomorphism—long considered a deadly
>                         error by ethologists._/*(Some contemporary
>                         ethologists are exploring accepting and
>                         leveraging this "error" to extend our
>                         understanding of animal behavior.)
>                         davew
>                         On Tue, Jul 9, 2024, at 2:54 PM, Nicholas
>                         Thompson wrote:
>                             While I find all the  ancillary
>                             considerations raised on the original
>                             thread extremely interesting,  I would
>                             like to reopen the discussion of Conscious
>                             as a Mystery and ask that those that join
>                             it stay close to the question of what
>                             consciousness is and how we know it when
>                             we see it.  Baby Steps.
>                             Where were we?   I think I was asking
>                             Jochen, and perhaps Peitr and anybody else
>                             who thought that animals were not
>                             conscious (i.e., not aware of their own
>                             awareness)  what basis they had in
>                             experience for thinking that..  One
>                             offering for such an experience is the
>                             absence of language in animals. Because my
>                             cat cannot describe his experience in
>                             words, he cannot be conscious.  This
>                             requires the following syllogism:
>                             Nothing that does not employ a language
>                             (or two?) is conscious.
>                             Animals (with ;the possible exception of
>                             signing apes) do not employ languages.
>                             Ergo, Animals are not conscious.
>                             But I was trying to find out the basis for
>                             the first premise.  How do we know that
>                             there are no non-linguistic beings that
>                             are not conscious.  I hope we could rule
>                             out the answer,"because they are
>                             non-linguistic",  both in its strictly 
>                             tautological or merely circular form.
>                             There is a closely related syllogism which
>                             we also need to explore:
>                             All language using beings are conscious.
>                             George Peter Tremblay IV is a
>                             language-using being.
>                             George Peter Tremblay IV is conscious.
>                             Both are valid syllogisms.  But where do
>                             the premises come from.
>                             Nick
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>                 -- 
>                 Frank Wimberly
>                 140 Calle Ojo Feliz
>                 Santa Fe, NM 87505
>                 505 670-9918
>                 Research:
>                 https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Frank_Wimberly2
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