[FRIAM] Why the Mystery of Consciousness Is Deeper Than We Thought

Nicholas Thompson thompnickson2 at gmail.com
Wed Jul 17 21:54:06 EDT 2024


Thank you for prompting me to respond to Dan’s scaling questionaire.  I
tried to when I first received it, but quit because I could not recognize
my own thinking in most of the alternatives.

But you have asked me to be a good sport, so here I am.

If you offer me, as in Q1 a choice between materialism and dualism I am
stumped.  I am an avowed  monist who believes that all monisms are more or
less equivalent – materialism, idealism, or  neutral), and I believe that
dualism is one of the great mind-fucks of all time,  But I don’t  think the
brain has a damned thing to do with the definition of consciousness and
that it is disrespectful to brain research to consider it in that way.  So
give me a 0.7 on Q1.

So, on Q2, my response is stronger than the question allows.  Consciousness
is not shaped by relations to the environment, it IS one of them.  So put
me down for a 1.2 on that one.

I think Q3 is just berserk.  I think the attribution, "X is conscious [of
Y]" is a third-person attribution.  I can see that X is responding to some
portion of our shared experience.  So, when attribute to myself, I am
making a first-person attribution while adopting the perspective of a
third-person.  If we start with the belief that first-person attributions
must be, in principle, different from ordinary third-person ones, then we
are left with a “mystery"   But, I don’t think that;  I think my concept of
self is just my attempt to model me from the outside  So,  put me down for
a zero on this one.

On Q4, I think my response is probably “meh” or  “nu”.  On the one hand I
agree that we need evidence at the level of a relation to identify it,
still we locate it at the individual.  This is called metonomy and is
frerquent in speach.   For instance, we locate motivation in individuals at
a momennt,but we know motivations from broad patterns in time and space.  I
am usually  against that sort of thing, because it misdirects the
attribution from the evidence for it.  However, unlike”communication”  which
requires at least two conscious beings, consciousness can be at a sentient
being and directed toward a non-sentient one.  I can be conscious of a rock.
So, put me down as 0.5, I guess.

As to the last question, I think there is a grammatical  sleight of hand
built into “What is it like to be a …..?”   Put the question in its natural
grammatical form and the answer becomes obvious  “what is being  Stephen
Guerin like?” " It’s like running on a treadmill with jammed on-off switch."
Notice that  presented in its undistorted form, the answer will be a
reference to some experience that I would have.   The grammatical
impersonal creates the mystery by throwing one off the track.  So, put me
down as a zero.

So, Stephen, I cannot bring myself to fill in the entries myself, but feel
free to fill them in for me and report the results to whomever you see fit.
I share your admiration Professor Gupta and will be eager to see what  he
makes of it.

 You said you would look in on THUAM tomorrow around .... what a minute
.... when?   I may be mixing up my time zones.


On Thu, Jul 4, 2024 at 7:26 PM Jochen Fromm <jofr at cas-group.net> wrote:

> I don't get Philip Goff: first we send our children 20 years to school,
> from Kindergarten to college and university, to teach them all kinds of
> languages, and then we wonder how they can be conscious. It will be the
> same for AI: first we spend millions and millions to train them all
> available knowledge, and then we wonder how they can develop understanding
> of language and consciousness...
> https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/the-mystery-of-consciousness-is-deeper-than-we-thought/
> -J.
> -. --- - / ...- .- .-.. .. -.. / -- --- .-. ... . / -.-. --- -.. .
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Nicholas S. Thompson
Emeritus Professor of Psychology and Ethology
Clark University
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