[FRIAM] Back to the effing ineffable!

steve smith sasmyth at swcp.com
Tue Jul 23 15:37:31 EDT 2024

was he the guy who named the Higgs Boson the "God Particle"?

GPT sez:

  # The nickname "God particle" was popularized by the media and comes
    from the title of the book "The God Particle: If the Universe Is the
    Answer, What Is the Question?" by physicist Leon Lederman.
  # Lederman originally wanted to call it the "Goddamn particle" because
    it was so difficult to detect, but his publisher shortened it to
    "God particle" for a more appealing title.

> Steve wrote "In this split between the ultra-rational and the mystic I 
> am more an agnostic than anything, not convinced of either having 
> primacy ".
> This reminds me of a conversation I had with my boss at the Pittsburgh 
> Supercomputing Center, a Division of Carnegie Mellon.  He was a devout 
> Catholic and a particle physicist.  I asked him how he reconciled his 
> faith and his work.  He said, "Two different worlds."
> Frank
> ---
> Frank C. Wimberly
> 140 Calle Ojo Feliz,
> Santa Fe, NM 87505
> 505 670-9918
> Santa Fe, NM
> On Tue, Jul 23, 2024, 9:04 AM steve smith <sasmyth at swcp.com> wrote:
>     EricS/DaveW
>>     Meanwhile, the program of living, including all its events of
>>     choosing, is not contained within the formal system.  Alongside
>>     the formal system, the program of living as it is realized is
>>     yet-another thing in the world, of a different kind.
>     This is downright poetic.
>     It echoes Schweitzer's "I am life that wills to live, in the midst
>     of life that wills to live." which I tend to generalize to "Life
>     is that which wills to live amongst that which wills to live".
>     And Schopenhauer's  "Life is a language in which certain truths
>     are conveyed to us; if we could learn them in some other way, we
>     should not live."    Many things you reference related to language
>     reminds me of Schopenhauer's proto-thoughts from another era in
>     his "The World as Will and Representation"
>     I appreciated your acknowledgement of DaveWs willingness ability
>     to articulate-in/defer-to an analytic language or stylization of
>     expression while holding true to his inner experience which is of
>     a different kind.  (as I understood it).   I attribute "effing the
>     ineffable" to him, though that may be my projection.  I find it
>     brilliant.
>     In this split between the ultra-rational and the mystic I am more
>     an agnostic than anything, not convinced of either having primacy
>     but rather finding them both persuasive in their own domains and
>     useful even to myself as I wander between them or walk a fine line
>     just one side or the other noticing the other-other as phantasms
>     dancing just beyond some veil.   Perhaps having my corpus callosum
>     split would help me return to the naive but perhaps more natural
>     state implied by Julian Jayne's "Bicameral Mind" concept (recently
>     re-introduced here by Jochen, tyvm).  I can't say that the
>     meta-cognitive dissonance the co-munnication causes me much
>     distress but I suspect that it is a source of a lot of my
>     correspondents disconcert with some of my method/madness seeming
>     conflations?  Let the muddle proceed...
>     In a sociospiritual domain, what you say about "choice" resonates
>     with my own experience of probability vs possibility.  Life is
>     that which seeks to exploit probabilities to explore possibilities
>     more efficiently (amongst other systems following the same program)?
>     this is getting deep and layered as it always does when I attempt
>     to /eff the ineffable/ ... but the central theme of emergence
>     appears to be the generalization of this?
>     Glen, if he has been able to wade this deep in my mumbled musings,
>     has tried (I believe) to raise something like this when he has
>     railed against (or merely questioned) the use of the term "levels"
>     to talk (I think) about emergence?   it is all tied in with the
>     semiotics of affordances as well?  Guerin has endured this
>     question from me before...
>     Mumble,
>      - Steve
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