[FRIAM] Dry Line

Nicholas Thompson thompnickson2 at gmail.com
Fri Jun 7 14:42:40 EDT 2024

According to the morning map, the dryline actually backed off into the RG
Valley over night, but now seems to have settled just east of the Sangres,
[image: image.png]
Note the 50 degree dewpoint contour line.  (you have to draw it yourself)

Rail Yard WEb Cam shows a CN over the northern Sangres.


On Tue, Jun 4, 2024 at 11:21 AM Nicholas Thompson <thompnickson2 at gmail.com>

> Two things to notice about today's dryline:
> First, the air in Santa Fe is getting moister.  Dewpoints approaching the
> 30's.
> [image: image.png]
> The steepest gradient in dewpoint is in N Texas where a bubble of very
> moist air is pushing into SE colorado.
> [image: image.png]
> Now, that plume of most air is only at the surface.   The dry air to the
> west of it is "warmer"  (higher THETA )  and should be over riding it at
> Amarillo.  Let's see.
> [image: image.png]
> Wow!  There's the characteristic pinetree shape of the elevated mixed
> layer.  Notice that in the first few meters the dewpoint falls dramatically
> and the surface relative temperature rises ten degrees centigrade.  Not
> very elevated.
> I wonder what the Storms Prediction Center is making of all of this.
> [image: image.png]
> Well, not a whole lot, actually, although  the text forecast is a bit more
> dramatic than the graphic one.
>  There will be
>    the potential for isolated thunderstorm development later this
>    afternoon along the west edge of the richer moisture (near the
>    western OK/TX border) where MLCAPE could exceed 5000 J/kg with only
>    small convective inhibition.  However, forcing for ascent will be
>    rather nebulous and storm initiation/coverage are both in question.
>    If storms form, there will be just enough vertical shear for
>    supercells capable of producing isolated very large hail, and
>    perhaps an isolated tornado. Confidence is greater in renewed
>    thunderstorm development across KS this afternoon and into OK late
>    this evening into early tonight, as a weak surface cold front and
>    associated midlevel trough will move southeastward and impinge on
>    the very moist/unstable warm sector.  Very large buoyancy and nearly
>    dry adiabatic lapse rates across OK will support large/tall storms
>    capable of producing isolated very large hail initially, and an
>    increase in the threat for damaging winds (60-80 mph) as storms grow
>    upscale into another MCS tonight.
> So ends your morning dryline report.
> I am trying to think about what you-guys are going to do about me.  Since
> I am convinced that you all SHOULD be interested in dry lines, i am
> unlikely to stop.  So perhaps you should designate somebody to heroically
> fake an interest in this stuff fwith me and,  since I am clearly casting my
> seeds upon barren ground.  These MCS's that form down wind of the dry line
> are wonderful examples butterfly effect phenomina since the situation is s
> LOADED that very small effects produce very violent storms.
> Nick
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