[FRIAM] Joscha Bach claims Microsoft sentient but not conscious

Jochen Fromm jofr at cas-group.net
Tue Jul 16 18:29:18 EDT 2024

A bit paradox: consciousness and language enable us to leave the bubble of nowness in which animals live - as Carl Sagan said stories and books break the shackles of time - but the subjective experience of consciousness is always in the present moment.By the way Joscha Bach is a member of the Bach family which goes back to J.S. Bach and C.P.E. Bach, the founders of classical music. I believe there are no descendants of Mozart or Beethoven anymore, but the Bach family is big, and still alive after so many centuries. Leipzig has turned the house where Bach lived in a museum which is worth visiting (Bonn has one for Beethoven).-J.
-------- Original message --------From: steve smith <sasmyth at swcp.com> Date: 7/16/24  10:14 PM  (GMT+01:00) To: friam at redfish.com Subject: Re: [FRIAM] Joscha Bach claims Microsoft sentient but not conscious 
    My litany of examples of entities in my life all share the fact
      of "living in a bubble of nowness".   The fact that those bubbles
      overlap to different degrees seems to contribute to our "mutual"
      apprehension of one another's consciousness (not symmetric).
    The non-animal entities at the best probably have very narrow
      bubbles in space (2x their extent) and very wide in time (hours,
      seasons, years) compared to ours.   The (in)famous Black Mesa a
      mile or so from me or Buckman Mesa (looming over me) in their
      basaltic-plug geology would seem to have a geospatial bubble a
      tiny fraction their dimension but a time apprehension of hundreds
      of thousands of years?  
    I'm stretching the concept of "what means consciousness"
      half-playfully and half-seriously.   Seeking partly to niggle out
      from the crowd how much of what we attribute to another entity's
      "Consciousness" is highly projective of our own (self)
    OK... we do need to split the hair of "sentient" from "conscious"
      I suppose...  
    Split Away!
    On 7/15/24 7:46 PM, Jon Zingale wrote:
          interesting collection of ideas regarding consciousness. For
          instance, not meta cognition but immediate perception. A
          bubble of nowness, etc... I am not certain if the lecture is
          interesting, but it seemed relevant.
      -. --- - / ...- .- .-.. .. -.. / -- --- .-. ... . / -.-. --- -.. .
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